Let's hit the links!
The Auburn Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 30th Annual Golf Classic on Friday, May 17th. This Golf Classic helps networking and fun collide. With fun activities and giveaways at each hole - players love it!
Your generosity and participation have made this event a success as a portion of the proceeds go to support our local high school scholarship. It is also an opportunity for the Chamber to continue with part of our mission of building a vibrant community for our members.
Breakfast, lunch and 19th hole snack will be provided, and we'll have flag and raffle prizes. Registration deadline: Thursday, May 11.
Sponsorship opportunities available! To register or learn more, call Leslie Clark at 402-274-3521 or email auburnchamberofcommerce@gmail.com
Team Registration:
$240/per team
$50/per cart
$10/Mulligan per holes